- "exceedingly long division" book
- 5
- 808
- Age Ratings
- Alien coin
- Bigtoe
- Blue Sky
- Bookmark
- Bread crumbs and beaver spit
- Bucket
- Bucket of coffee
- Chewing gum
- Chocolate pudding
- Chubb Munch
- Coffee grounds
- Coffee mug
- Combination
- Cookie
- Creature communicator
- Cutscene
- Daisy
- Developer Commentaries
- Dialpad
- Diz
- Dollar
- Elementary School Teacher
- Elmo's Glue stick
- Faucet
- Feather duster
- Feather hat
- Feathers
- Flusher handle
- Flying Pig
- Game die
- George
- Glasses
- Globe
- Goat-Man
- Green backpack
- Greg Sleep
- Guard Door
- Gumball
- Hair spray
- Hall pass
- Hand soap
- High School Janitor
- Hose
- Industrial eye dropper
- Inventory
- Joe
- Jonochrome
- Karsh
- Key card
- Keyboard key
- List of minor characters
- Live steak in tray
- Messie
- Middle School Janitor
- Money
- Mop
- Mr. Cwesschyn
- Mr. Kahm
- Mr. McMaster
- Mr. Mister
- Mr. Munch
- Mr. O. Boe
- Mr. Potato
- Mr. Read
- Mr. Soggy
- Mr. Sum
- Mrs. Flask
- Mrs. Mooses
- Mrs. Munch
- Mrs. Oddverb
- Mrs. Sleep
- Ms. Cophey
- Ms. Count
- Ms. Green
- Mug and faucet
- New Logo Again
- New logo
- Nit Wit
- Oswald
- Phil Eggtree
- Phil Eggtree decoy
- Phred Whistler
- Potted dirtflower
- Power Room access card
- Principal's office
- Quiz
- Rejected Riddle Games
- Removed and Unimplemented Features
- Return to Riddle School
- Richy
- Riddle Elementary School
- Riddle High School
- Riddle Middle School
- Riddle School
- Riddle School/Dialogue
- Riddle School 2
- Riddle School 2/Dialogue
- Riddle School 2: Zack's Dream
- Riddle School 3
- Riddle School 3/Dialogue
- Riddle School 4
- Riddle School 4/Dialogue
- Riddle School 4: Phred's Dream
- Riddle School 5
- Riddle School 5/Dialogue
- Riddle School 5/Gallery
- Riddle School Items
- Riddle School Wiki
- Riddle Transfer
- Riddle Transfer/Dialogue
- Riddle Transfer 2
- Riddle Transfer 2/Dialogue
- Riddle University
- Rubber band
- Ruler
- School Bathrooms
- Science Rocks Button
- Screws
- Shaw deLot
- Slide oil
- Smiley Sundae
- Sports Fanatic Alien Child
- Stained paper bag
- Steak
- Steak in tray
- Testing
- Toilet paper
- Tooth-Ultra-Paste
- Top hat
- Tray
- Viz
- Vizion
- Weird photos found in this page
- Where to Play
- Whistle
- Yeddy
- Zack Kelvin
- Zone 5.1
- Zone 5.1 Agents
- Zonic